
Lost Religions

My original title was ‘Is Religion Dying Out’, but I thought that was really too inflammatory, and not the reason I was writing. I believe that our ‘regular’ religions continue strong, although I think some of the same problems I detail below haunt the major...

Don’t Step on a Bee!

So, today is “Don’t Step on a Bee” day. This could be a blessedly simple and short blog today, but you never know what I’m going to wander into. After all, I was almost sucked into writing about ‘Clerihew’ poetry, since it’s also National Clerihew Day. A sample...

A Long Trip to a Small Angry Coincidence.

I was reading a book by Lawrence Schoen (The Conroyverse, which is great!) and came across some interesting data regarding the unlikelyhood of you ever having been born. That all these factors came together that gave you some infinitesimal chance of existing. Now, I...

Garbage Day

So, today’s garbage day. It’s an interesting concept, where we simply put anything nasty or dead or rotten into this box by the curb and it magically goes away. It reminds me of a joke about the ‘magic coffee table’ where you leave your chip bags, your crumbs, your...

How Intelligent is that?

How Intelligent is that? For those not familiar with the term, just a reminder that AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. Basically a computer brain that seems to be human. If you’ve read any of my science fiction books, you know what AI is – AI is Olive, and...