
It’s all in the Details

How I write #3 Good morning! Readers are persnickity. Yes, I mean you. And me. We find problems in books all the time. Often it has to do with our professions or hobbies, where we know a LOT about a subject. And often the author doesn’t. And they make some...


I’m sitting in the airport in Seattle waiting for a flight. I love planes, watching them arrive and depart. Watching the general traffic of odd vehicles you only see at airports, special pickups with short cabs, sweepers, blades, all sorts of stuff. But what you...


Hmm.No, nothing to do with looking in the mirror, since this isn’t about me. Or at least, only peripherally. 🙂 I was considering an anthology that I’m reading, in fact, I have a story in it. It’s called “Hellhounds” and it just came out...